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Owls (Year 5 & 6)


Years 5 and 6


We are a 'parliament' of 27 owls who are taught by Mrs Cast and Mrs Heyworth and supported daily by Mrs Lorgat. During the two years that the children spend in 'Owls' class, they will grow as individuals and blossom into well rounded people, ready to embrace life's journey. Children encounter new experiences, have many challenges and also have fun! We work hard and we play hard.

In Owls, we begin to prepare children for life beyond Balderstone. This means that there will be greater expectations on the children in terms of INDEPENDENCE and RESPONSIBILITY— We will expect children to develop more independence during their time with us as we begin to prepare them for high school life. Setting periods of time aside on a regular basis for homework and handing work in on time; being organised—remembering what is needed and when. Each child will be provided with a homework diary to help with this.

We are excited about the year ahead and the learning opportunities that we have planned. We have worked hard as a school team to plan some new and exciting opportunities. Our plans for the year can be seen in the links below. Please note that there may be times when we 'rearrange' our plans a little to accommodate any new ideas that may arise as the year progresses. We hope everyone will enjoy their learning and if you have any expertise/ special interests in any of the work, we would love to hear from you.

Best wishes,
Mrs Cast and Mrs Heyworth