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School Opening Times 2023

School opening hours

Our school day starts at 8.40am as our doors open and we are ready to start learning. As a school we all start with reading, as this is the foundation of all of our wonderful learning. 

Lunchtime is at 12pm for an hour.

The school teaching day finishes at 3.10pm and we have a school day of 6.5 hours in total.

Therefore, our school week is 32.5 hours per week. 

Wrap-around care

However, we might be a small school, but we offer our own bespoke, wrap-around care service Monday - Fridays  - find out more on our Busy Bees Breakfast Club and After-school club pages.

Busy Bees Breakfast club opening time 7.40am - 8.40am

Busy Bees After-school club 3.10pm - 5.45pm