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Foxes (Year 3 & 4)

We are a class of 27 children who love learning and finding out about the world around us.

This term, we're travelling back in time to Ancient Greece and finding out all about this ancient civilisation.

In English, we're going on an adventure with "The Abominables" by Eva Ibbotson and reading a range of Greek myths, meeting some wonderful monsters and brave heroes before writing our own myth.

In Science, we're investigating Sound and in computing we're recording and editing sounds to make different effects.

In music, we're learning our songs ready for the Sing Together Concert in March.  Log onto the website and have a practice!

There's also multiplication and division in maths, finding out why Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God in RE, learning to embroider in art and much, much more!

Mrs Riddell, Mrs Gow, Mrs Hussain and all of Team Fox are looking forward to enjoying this term with you!