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Balderstone Bear

Hello, welcome to the Balderstone and Betty Bear page.

Balderstone came to live at school in 2003.  He loves living here and he especially likes going on holiday with the children. He has been to some wonderful places such as Australia, Lapland and Malaysia.  He also likes the holidays he takes nearer home and he is particularly fond of the Lake District.

In the winter of 2005 he went on a skiing holiday to France and there he met Betty Bear.  She was working as a chalet maid.  The two got on so well, he asked Betty to come back to Balderstone School.  It was a whirlwind romance. We were most worried when Balderstone disappeared in July 2005, but there was no need to worry, he had gone to buy an egagement ring for Betty!  On April 6th 2006, the two little bears were married by Father Jim in Balderstone Church.  The children learnt all about weddings and planned a very lavish affair with a wedding breakfast in the school hall after a very serious and special ceremony in Church.

They are now happily settled at school and are still enjoying some wonderful holidays.  Sometimes they go away together and sometimes they take a break separately.

In 2008 they decided that they would like to adopt a little bear.  Two children who had been at Balderstone left to live with their adoptive parents and they were so touched by this event that they thought long and hard about being adoptive parents themselves.

In April, the children wrote letters on their behalf.  An adoption agency worker came to talk to us all about the seriousness of adopting a little bear and she toured the school to look at safety.  After many more interviews and meetings, Balderstone and Betty received a letter in September to say that they had been accepted as prospective adoptive parents.

They were so thrilled, but they have had to wait until now for a little bear to be found.  Hopefully they will meet her in the next few weeks and maybe she will be with them for Christmas.

Look out for a photograph of the new Bear family!

We have some very good news. Balderstone and Betty Bear have been accepted to adopt a little bear!

She is called Florence.

She was born on the 15th of April 2007.

She likes playing with other bears outdoors.

She eats well and likes fish.                                                                                           

She sleeps all night and does not wake up too early.

Her father is called Victor.  He went away when she was young.

Her mother is called Charlotte.  She cannot look after her any more.

Balderstone and Betty will be invited to visit Florence to get to know her.

If this all goes well, she will come and live with them at Balderstone School.